Our business is centered on a permanent mechanical repair for cast iron and machine parts denoted as "Metal Locking". This
mechanical approach to the repair of vital machine parts was conceived
as the solution to the problems of welding or brazing.
Locking has grown in application from small water pumps to enormous
turbine-generating equipment, from the local gas station to the nation's
largest steel mills. No heat is used, thus no stresses
are introduced and very little if any post-repair machining is
necessary to correct misalignment and warpage. Since there is no heat,
Metal Locking repairs can be made in restricted areas where flame or
welding arc is prohibited. Repairs are often made on location, without the necessity of major disassembly.
We are capable of performing this service at our shop or yours! We
pride ourselves on our ability to reach destinations quickly, often
within 24 hours, and in the most cost-effective manner. Please view our Testimonial page for an example of our ability to mobilize and satisfy a customer in an emergency.
1. A drilling fixture is attached at right angles to the crack. A hole pattern is drilled and repeated at intervals of 3/4" to 1-1/4" inches apart.
2. The metal between each drilled hole is removed by ripping it away with pneumatic tools to form a slot. The stock removed is narrower than the drilled hole, thus forming a serrated opening.
3. Preformed locks of high tensile alloy are inserted into the slot. These locks are peened into the slots, one on top of the other, to a depth limited by the casting thickness and determined by the strength required.
4. After the locks are installed, holes are drilled and tapped and threaded fasteners are applied. These are spotted along the entire length of the crack, overlapping one another. Their purpose, in part, is to fill the fracture with new metal and provide a pressure seal.
5. The entire repair area is peened flush and finish ground as you see here
The Metal Locking technique can be used to repair everything from
casting faults, broken machinery and improper machining to intricate
items such as marine engines and gears. We are able to work on a wide
array of materials including work-hardened and heat-treated items. When
repair parts are not readily available, we often produce custom replacements in-house.
The repair and replacement of internal engine components for the
automotive, locomotive and trucking industries constitute a large
portion of our business. All are extreme environments where
craftsmanship and durability are of the utmost importance.